We’ve reviewed over 25 of the world’s best pricing pages. Here are the top 5 learnings.
1. Most popular package differentiation
Airtable, the only form to receive a perfect 10 rating, has the most popular tag and a different CTA color on their Pro package
- The most popular tag and different CTA color draws your eye to the Pro package
- Yet only 16% of the pricing pages we reviewed do this
2. Package descriptions are oriented towards a specific market segment
Airtable again demonstrates this well
- This does require creating packages with features that uniquely support each market segment
- The package descriptions go a long way to helping prospective customers quickly identify the package that is right for them
3. Visually show you get more value in higher priced packages
Dropbox, whose pricing page got an 8.5 rating, does this very well
- Visually seeing more features in higher priced packages shows demonstrates that I get more value for the higher price
4. Custom CTAs for each package
Retool, which got a relatively bad rating of 6.5, does do this really well
- You can see they have a “Get started” for the freemium package
- They offer free trials for Team and Business so those have “Try for free” CTAs
- And finally they have “Book a demo” for the Enterprise package
5. Maximize below the fold
Sprout Social, whose pricing page got an 8.1 rating, does this very well
- They several sections with social proof
- And an FAQ that answers all your pricing-related questions
- They also have a secondary CTA at the bottom of the page to call or email them